Turok for Japan, and Ridge Racer 64 Hits N64 NSO - TheFamicast.com: Japan-based Nintendo Podcasts, Videos & Reviews!


Friday, January 31, 2025

Turok for Japan, and Ridge Racer 64 Hits N64 NSO

Nintendo has updated the Nintendo 64 lineup across the globe for the first time in 2025. For Japan, Jikū Senshi Turok (Turok: Dinosaur Hunter) and Violence Killer: Turok New Generation (Turok 2: The Seeds of Evil) have joined the Nintendo 64 18+ collection of games today, Friday, January 31. English speaking territories received Ridge Racer 64. You can see the trailers for the games below.
The release of all three titles is significant for similar reasons. The Turok titles, the only two release on the Nintendo 64 in Japan, haven’t been re-released since they originally came out. Ridge Racer 64 is in the same boat not having been available since its original release in 2000. 

For more Turok on the Nintendo Switch, including some commentary on their Japanese releases, be sure to check out our reviews of the Nightdive Studio remakes on the Switch for both games below. For a complete look at all of the titles released on the Nintendo 64 app on NSO, be sure to check out our article, complete with Japanese box art, here
Sources: NCL, NOA

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