Famicast Game of the Year: Group 2 - TheFamicast.com: Japan-based Nintendo Podcasts, Videos & Reviews!


Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Famicast Game of the Year: Group 2

Tokyo Games Show Hype of the Year

We had an absolute blast at TGS 2017 and played a metric tonne of Switch games thanks to the huge indie presence. However many games were either released soon after the show, or have since been released, so what's left to look forward to? The answer is The Takeover and Fight Knight! Both games involve punching things. I guess we like that in our videogames.

Need to Play More Next Year….of the Year

We don't think there are many of the "but there's no games for Switch" brigade left anymore, and if there are, they obviously haven't opened their eyes in the past nine months because holy moley are there are lot of games to play. This award highlights the fact that there are too many games to play because we literally didn't have enough time to play games we wanted to play. Splatoon 2 is a fantastic game with more features and things to do that it's predecessor, but how are you supposed to find the time to play it! The year was almost over and then Brawlout, a Super Smash Bros style indie game came out to make our piles of shame even higher! Look out 2018, it's going to be a helluva ride.

Complete Garbage of the Year

Oh dear, not a category anyone wants to be winning. These games are absolutely not worth your time or money and you should actively stop others from buying them, too. Troll and I is so broken it made Danny cry. Monster Jam Crush It is a game so devoid of content, James beat it on his commute home. Read the reviews and you will be better equipped to help humanity become better as a species.

This Really Should Be on Switch of the Year

Port begging for Switch versions games made a slight dip near the end of 2017 as people realised they couldn't actually play all the games they had installed on their system before they die. That said, with the help of our listeners we decided that Dangan Ronpa would make a great fit on Switch, as would the upcoming re-release of Catherine. Who knows what 2018 could bring?!

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