Famicast Friday #045 [January 11, 2019] - TheFamicast.com: Japan-based Nintendo Podcasts, Videos & Reviews!


Friday, January 11, 2019

Famicast Friday #045 [January 11, 2019]


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Welcome to Famicast Friday No.045! This is the day of the week where you can check out all of the latest reviews, streams and podcasts that we’ve been working on tirelessly throughout the week. Be sure to check in every Friday either on the website or by subscribing to our awesome YouTube channel to keep up-to-date with all of our content. Patrons get stuff during the week, too! It's like a delicious packet of treats delivered to you just in time for the weekend, please to enjoy!

Direct Feed Gameplay [2]
James - It's Christmas in Splatoon - without the religious overtones aka the Japanese way of things, innit.
Danny - Keeping things frosty with some snow shreddin'. Shred dawg. Man. 

Famicom Online [2]
Danny - JC and I are back with some more old school goodness! Watch us fail miser...find great success in these classics!

Smash Ultimate - Series Videos [4]
James - This week, we have Smash Ultimate vids with tons of critters from the Nintendo universe - Kirbys, foxes, squids and Palutenas. 

Podcast [1]
Danny - First episode of 2019, baby! For the video version, I hope you like my face. 
Check back on Friday, January 18th for the next batch of awesome!

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